§ 19-501. Purpose.
The statement of conditions and commitments associated with development is a matter of concern to both public and private interests of the community. It is essential that the commitments of the landowner (developer), the commitments of the City, and the conditions associated with land subdivision be set forth in a precise manner which will clearly specify intent and the nature of the obligations and conditions assumed by all parties involved.
It is the purpose of this article to specify the nature of improvements which shall be required in conjunction with the subdividing and development of land; to identify the methods which will assure the City of Norman and the public that said required improvements will be accomplished; and further to prohibit the issuance of a building permit for construction within a recorded, platted subdivision prior to the completion and City acceptance of all required public improvements within the subdivision.
(Ord. No. O-7273-87; Ord. No. 0-0001-15; Ord. No. 0-0405-45)